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Kapacita penzionu


  • 5 pokojů
  • 2 dvoulůžkové pokoje
  • 3 třílůžkové pokoje
  • kapacita 13 míst + 2x přistýlka
  • v každém pokoji sociální zařízení (WC a sprchový kout)

  • pokoje nejsou vybaveny televizí




Cena za jednu osobu na jednu noc na všech druzích pokojů činí 450,- Kč, v ceně není zahrnuta snídaně;

Cena za jednu osobu na tři až šest nocí činí 420,- Kč;

Cena za jednu osobu od 7 nocí činí 400,- Kč;

Přistýlka: 350 Kč osoba/noc;

Děti do dvou let zdarma bez nároku na lůžko.

Při dlouhodobém pobytu možnost dalších slev dle dohody.

Storno - poplatky:
Při zrušení objednaného pobytu ze strany klienta se účtuje storno poplatek:
30-15 dní před nástupem             30 % z celkové ceny
14-8    dní před nástupem             50 % z celkové ceny
7 dní a méně                                     100 % z celkové ceny
Pokud by byl  pokoj obsazen novými hosty, nebude storno-poplatek účtován.
V případě nezaplacení zálohy, ze které by bylo možno storno poplatky odečíst, má ubytovatel právo zaslat objednavateli fakturu ve výši storno poplatků.
Ubytování se platí předem  nejpozději však v den příjezdu.
V den příjezdu je platba možná pouze v hotovosti.

 V den odjezdu je potřeba uvolnit pokoj nejpozději do 10.00. hod.


WIFI připojení k internetu v celém objektu zdarma.





Vašim dětem nabízíme:


  • dětské hřiště v obci (houpačky, kolotoč, skluzavka) viz galerie
  • pískoviště, houpačku a malou skluzavku u penzionu
  • další vyžití v okolí (např. AQUAPARK ve Kdyni)



Objednávky ubytování:

 e-mailem: penzion.loucim@seznam.cz

Telefonicky po 14.30: 728 940 423


Ubytování v našem penzionu využívají také návštěvníci:



Mogul Rallye Šumava Klatovy (duben)



Mezinárodního folklórního festivalu a klatovské pouti (červenec)


Folklorního festivalu Chodské slavnosti - Vavřinecká pouť Domažlice (srpen)





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Přehled komentářů

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An Comprehensive Manual for Replica Handbags intended for Luxury Fans

(WilliamBob, 4. 11. 2024 4:21)

Introduction Section to an Domain of High-Quality Replicas

What Characterizes Luxury-Inspired Items?
In the realm regarding exclusive mimics, "high-end replicas" shine based on these items' incredible likeness to genuine high-end items. Unlike ordinary imitation products, superfakes are made by means of superior substances and detailed concentration regarding quality.
They replicate the outer appeal along with texture associated with authentic designer goods, providing the almost indistinguishable look with a fraction in comparison to an expense.

Growing Popularity in relation to Superfakes
How come do top-grade replicas gaining popularity among premium enthusiasts? A primary reason lies in value and aesthetic attraction. High-quality replicas provide fashion lovers with access to luxury looks minus a large expense, resulting in premium open to more.
Popular High-Quality Copy Makes

Hermes and Chanelle

Accessories like their Hermès Birkin, Kelly, alongside the Chanel Classic Front represent timeless goods such that superfakes replicate through exceptional attention.
Components combined with Artistry

High-quality replicas use high-end substances such as premium material alongside meticulous embroidery. These factors add to such authenticity, enabling these replicas in capturing a true likeness regarding premium designs.
Emphasis on Details

Precision remains essential for the world in superfakes. From exact metalwork engravings to each exact hue of hue, quality replicas mirror subtle features for an authentic replicate genuine premium goods.

The Position of E-commerce in Modern day Purchaser Routines

(Williamcic, 4. 11. 2024 4:21)

The rise of e-commerce has fundamentally remodeled consumer behavior, providing unparalleled benefit and accessibility. Purchasers now enjoy a worldwide marketplace at their fingertips, benefiting from a wide variety of items and competitive pricing.

As know-how developments, e-commerce platforms integrate ground breaking capabilities like individualized suggestions and seamless payment options. These facilitate a easy procuring experience, fostering elevated buyer loyalty and satisfaction.


Furthermore, the electronic shift has driven enterprises to enhance their on the net presence, emphasizing the importance of a user-friendly interface and effective customer care.

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(агентства недвижимости пхукет, 4. 11. 2024 3:53)

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Find the Plaza Rakuten Practical experience: Your Gateway to Curated Products and Community Insights

(JamesSet, 3. 11. 2024 22:51)

The informative platform obtainable at Plaza Rakuten provides a wealth of insights for those enthusiastic about varied product collections. It provides straightforward navigation and obtain to various classes, enabling customers to examine things that match their Choices.

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Determination to benefit and innovation defines the Plaza Rakuten experience. Readers locate not just products, but a community of like-minded fanatics sharing tips and assessments.

Your Best Overview to Superfake Purses for Replica Lovers

(BillyKeync, 3. 11. 2024 22:31)

Introduction Section about an Universe on Superfakes

Defining Is Meant By Luxury-Inspired Items?
Inside the realm in high-end items, "luxury-inspired items" shine due to the astonishing approximation toward genuine exclusive pieces. Dissimilar from typical fake items, such replicas are crafted with high-quality elements in addition to meticulous focus regarding specifics.
These products resemble their outer appearance and texture regarding genuine premium items, granting almost an almost indistinguishable feel for just a fraction in comparison to their expense.

Rising Fame in relation to High-Quality Replicas
How come are luxury-inspired replicas gaining popularity with luxury aficionados? The answer stems from affordability paired with fashion look. Luxury-inspired items allow high-end fans with access to luxury designs minus those significant expense, making premium easier to obtain.
Popular Luxury Replica Copy Brands

Hermes & Chanelle

Accessories for example a Hermès Birkyn, Kelly, as well as a CHANEL Signature Fold represent recognizable goods such that replicas mimic using remarkable precision.
Substances combined with Skill

Luxury-inspired items feature superior resources including superior leather alongside detailed stitching. Those materials contribute for such authenticity, allowing these replicas in capturing an authentic feel related to designer designs.
Attention for Specifics

Precision remains essential in the sphere for imitation luxury. Starting from accurate hardware engravings toward each accurate hue concerning tint, quality replicas replicate subtle aspects to accurately copy genuine high-end items.

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Royalty in Radiance: Exploring Princess Minimize Engagement Rings

(KeithGef, 3. 11. 2024 17:27)

With this episode from the Caratbee's Podcast, we shine a spotlight around the regal elegance of princess Minimize engagement rings. Celebrated for their modern day appeal and excellent sparkle, princess cuts became a well-liked option for couples looking for a mixture of sophistication and elegance.

Listeners will find the distinctive traits of princess Slash diamonds, like their exceptional faceting that maximizes light-weight reflection, developing a dazzling influence. We focus on different configurations that greatly enhance the class of princess cuts, from basic solitaires to intricate halo layouts.


Be a part of us as we share tips for selecting the best princess cut engagement ring, ensuring it aligns with particular taste and signifies the appreciate story it symbolizes. No matter if you happen to be in the marketplace for an engagement ring or just recognize high-quality jewelry, this episode highlights the allure and timelessness of princess Minimize diamonds in the world of romance.

Your Definitive Overview for Near-Authentic Purses designed for Superfake Fans

(Bobbybluro, 3. 11. 2024 16:12)

Introduction about this Realm of Replicas

Defining Are Superfakes?
Across this world regarding high-end mimics, "superfakes" stand out due to their impressive likeness to genuine luxury items. Dissimilar from ordinary counterfeit replicas, such replicas are produced using top-notch materials in addition to meticulous focus regarding detail.
These products replicate their external appearance and feel regarding original premium goods, providing a almost indistinguishable feel with a fraction of their cost.

Rising Fame regarding Designer Imitations
How come do luxury-inspired replicas gaining traction for premium devotees? This lies in cost-effectiveness combined with trend attraction. Luxury-inspired items provide luxury enthusiasts with access to luxury designs without a hefty cost, resulting in high-end within reach.
Popular High-Quality Imitation Labels

Hermes as well as Chanel

Purses for example the Hermès Birken, Kelly, & an Channel Timeless Closure stand as iconic items which duplicates imitate utilizing stunning accuracy.
Materials combined with Workmanship

Superfakes use high-end substances such as premium material with precise sewing. The factors contribute to such realistic appearance, letting luxury-inspired pieces in capturing the essence related to premium labels.
Focus to Details

Exactness exists as key within the domain with imitation luxury. Beginning with exact metal hardware etchings to that accurate color of hue, high-end replicas replicate subtle features so as to mimic genuine premium products.

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